This weather is good for me, it might be hot but it makes my joints feel better. Like I said yesterday it is more of an ache than the stabbing burning. I even went out today.

We went into our local town. Partly to get some food shopping and partly as some of the local churches had an event. There is a ruin of an old church in the middle of  our local High Street and although it is surrounded by shops it is still owned by the church. My husband has been out the last 3 mornings as he is helping with the shopping to get the burgers, bread and water. Then there is a team of people who are barbecuing the burgers and giving them away free. Another group are playing music and singing.

I went along with my eldest two boys and husband and we sat and had a burger. After that we went to the bank as I needed to move money between accounts. Whilst I was there I met a friend of ours who is going to India in two days time. He is married to a lady from India and they are going there to live.

Whilst we were talking, there was a disturbance by my son. He had fallen out of his wheelchair and an elderly man was trying to help him. Only thing the man was a lot smaller than our son, years of using crutches and wheelchairs has caused him to have large upper body muscles. When we looked to see what had happened we found out that a wheel had come off of the wheelchair and the chair had unbalanced. The man had seen the problem and was trying to stop our son falling out and getting hurt.

It just goes to show that there are some gentlemen in this world.

After that we went to see if we could find a bed for our youngest son. As he is as tall as his bed is long he had asked if we could get him another bed. We decided that a double bed would be the best idea when we found out it would cost us £600 at least to get an extra long single bed and then we would have to buy special linen. We managed to get him a double bed and it will be delivered tomorrow morning.

On the way home I commented to my husband how much better I was feeling with this hot weather. The reasons are partly because the heat is good for my joints. They are still hurting, but it is not the stabbing burning pain and more an ache. More like muscular pain.

Another reason for feeling a bit brighter is that everyone slows down in the heat. No one thinks you are odd if you are tired in the heat or if you move slower. So it is not so obvious that I am walking slowly. Or that I am doing jobs slower.

I think the fact that the flowers are out and there are so many birds around is also part of the reason for feeling brighter. After all it is not so easy to feel bad when there are beautiful flowers all around.

I have to be careful of the sun, as it can cause problems for those of us with lupus. I am fortunate that for me it causes something like prickly heat in that I get very red and itchy. But then I have never been one for laying out in the sun.

After we got home I got a phone call from Motability asking if I had decided what I wanted to do. I said that I had chosen which car I would like, but had not finished filling in the paperwork. Now that I am on DLA I can have a car to help me get around. The one I like is automatic, even the hand brake! I find it difficult to pull the hand brake on and even harder to take it off, especially if my eldest son has put it on. This new car has no hand brake, well not a traditional one, but has an automatic one.

The man suggested that when we have finished filling in the forms I ring up the help line as he pointed out if it is filled in correctly it will save time.

It takes 4 weeks for them to OK my choice, then I can order the car which takes about 12 weeks to be delivered. So it will be close to Christmas by the time I get it.