What a weekend.

Robert finally had his surgery on Sunday morning. They would not do it Friday as he is allergic to anaesthetic, they had planned to do it Saturday, but the doctors ran out of theatre time, so they finally did it Sunday. He was looked after well by the nurses, and was home again Monday afternoon. We picked him up about 1:30 would have been earlier but the hospital seems to only have lifts and they stopped working for a while.

On the way out we visited our friend who is in there, she had not been well in the morning and so we only stayed a few minutes. Robert wanted to pass on his TV and phone credit. They have a system at the hospital where you have a TV and phone by your bed. It costs £3.50 to watch TV and that lasts for 24 hours whether you watch it all the time or just for a few minutes. But they cheat because the only card you can buy is £5. I am sure that they rely on people not using up all the credit. The phone is 10p a min to phone out and anyone calling you pays 20p a min from a BT line. It is all money making.

By the time I got home I was shattered and instead of watching University challenge on TV I slept most of the evening on the sofa.  Then I slept most of the night, and when our daughter had gone to school I slept another couple of hours. I still feel so tired, it must be that now I have relaxed the past few days have caught up with me. Ian, our son who has an autoimmune condition, also did the same thing, in that he did not feel good this morning and so he went back to bed for more sleep. Just proves what I have said for a while now that stress makes him feel worse.

My stomach is a mass of bruises again. The Clexane for some reason is bruising the last few days, so my stomach is sore to touch. I am just waiting for the appointment at the hospital so that I can change over to tablets. That would be easier because I keep forgetting the injection the last few days, but if I had the tablets in my box along with all the other tablets I would not forget. Plus the fact that it is not nice sticking needles in yourself.

Robert has just gone out with his brother. The letter he came home with says that he should get fresh air and exercise, although the exercise bit is all Ian’s because Robert is in a wheelchair. The car has a problem so we are not able to drive it. The decorator came today to put up a bit of wallpaper, and he noticed that there is a bulge on the tyre wall. So I am waiting for a phone call from the garage to say if they can sort it out or if we have to and if so where we must take it.

I am also waiting for a phone call back from the doctor. I saw him two weeks ago about the mass that was found on the CAT scan and so far I have not heard about when I can see a specialist. So today I rang the GP surgery to ask about it. Whilst the Ca-125 result came back within normal range I still would rather get rid of whatever it is in there. Or at least know for sure that there is nothing to worry about. It is the waiting that is not good, I want to know and I want to know now. So I rang the surgery and they will talk to the doctor and ring me back later.

Now all I need to do is to catch up on my study, at least I am only 2 weeks behind, better than this morning, but still bad as I am only in week 3!! It has been hard to get my brain in focus for this course. Ian is doing the same course and he has already started the first assignment which is due in the end of the month. So I had better get on and catch up. No inspiration at the moment though, now if it were a story about sleeping, or stress I would be full of ideas.